Advanced Layout design to TouchOSC software application for IOS to midi control :
UTC-OSC-EAR is a multitrack midi application control for Elektron Analog Rytm.
Take touch control of all of parameters of your Elektron Analog Rytm in unique dedicaced application.
Specifics pages control are available for each tracks.
All modifications controls on UTC-OSC-EAR are instanly synchronised to Overbrigde plugin and hardware Elektron Analog Rytm.
UTC-OSC-EAR can work directly without computer and plugin, just plug midi interface from iPad to Elektron Analog Rytm, and give you an amazing screen for work and play everywhere.
UTC-OSC-EAR only used midi control, there is no sounds inside.
UTC-OSC-EAR is a layout of TouchOSC Hexler Application for IOS and Android.